Cross-collaborating teams helping clients creatively achieve energy and environment strategies.


Drawing on its U.S. and global networks of consulting, design, and engineering firms, Indora Solutions promotes cross-collaborative teams to help clients think creatively about energy and environment strategies and solutions.

Creating Outcomes


Environment and Renewable Energy Charrettes

Intensive design workshops that engage key project members in a process of creative collaboration.

Goal setting

Helping clients determine their organization’s energy and environment goals, and then assisting with developing a sustainable path to produce measured and quantifiable results.

Operations management

Guidelines on maintaining facilities to meet the high performance standards set during design.

Managagement Consulting

Acting as limited or ongoing advisors to government, corporate, or non-profit groups.

Quality Assurance

Helping assist firms meet quality assurance requirements to provide their services and products to foreign markets.

Decision-making Tools

Specialized analytical tools to help assess the short- and long-term consequences of changing variables.

Original Research

Reports that distill leading-edge thinking from top academics and practitioners.

Experience Indora Solutions

We have provided research assistance to the book, “Winning the Oil Endgame”. This book is an independent, peer-reviewed synthesis for American business to chart a roadmap for getting the United States completely, attractively, and profitably off oil.